Tuesday, October 23, 2007

NaNo Creator Interview

One of my favorite blogs lately is Writer Unboxed. Their October 19th entry is Part 1 of an interview of Chris Baty, founding father of NaNo. If you want to know more about how and why he started NaNo, check it out! I particularly love his viewpoint when asked how many people who have participated in NaNo in the past have actually sold their books:

    "I think that nobody has it as bad as aspiring writers. Look at the world of sports. If I went out and played a round of golf, when I came back from it, none of my friends would say, “Oh, you going to join the PGA?” The sense is that you do it for fun and you do it regularly, and it doesn’t have to be something you make your living at. My goal for the last decade has been to make a living as a writer. And I think there are other people in National Novel Writing Month who share that ambition, but I think that represents 10% of the overall population, and the other 90% are doing it for completely different reasons."

My friend Tammy wrote about the Baty interview on her blog, Just Enough, and Nothing More, "Homeschooling Is Like Music". Can you tell we've been discussing this interview on a list that we're both on?

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At 2:00 PM, October 25, 2007 , Tammy Takahashi said...

Thanks for the link Karen!

I wonder if Chris Baty has any kids. And if he does, if homeschools.

When I did an interview with Jimmy Wales, founder of wikipedia, last year, I found out he homeschools his daughter. It seems to me, that people who homeschool their kids, often do amazing things themselves. No wonder homeschool kids do so well! They have so many things going for them that we can't measure on a test.


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