Monday, June 26, 2006


David pretty much got the classes he figured he would, as most were freshman year requirements for computer science majors. He will be taking World Cultures (a Freshman requirement), Chemistry, Calculus, Japanese, and Computer Science 101; 18 credit hours altogether.

When he goes back on August 19, it will be only freshmen on campus for 5 days. Those five days the freshmen are divided into small groups of 20, the members of their World Cultures class, and they do all activities, meals, etc., together. The World Cultures class is required of all freshmen. So by the end of the 5 days, they will know at least those 20 classmates fairly well.

Overall, the weekend was very worthwhile. The only part I didn't like was that, now that we've been there for a couple of days and I saw how well David seemed to fit in, how much he liked the campus and how quickly he made some friends, I'm even more apprehensive about his going. Well, not his going, but his leaving here! It seems so much more real. Two months from now he will be there full time and we won't see him for weeks on end. I'm so used to him sitting at his computer in the living room, always there with ready wit or an acerbic comment about some news item or wanting to share something he discovered on Wikipedia. I am so going to miss him!

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